Dear Ms. Pyle,I share your frustration over the death of a beuutifal young life ended too soon. Everett Glenn was obviously an outgoing and very caring individual as evidenced by the many comments and pictures of those who really knew him. I know from my daughter's time at Lafayette a couple of years ago that Lafayette College takes student drinking very seriously and works proactively to support students' making positive choices. In today's culture, it is a daunting task, and if one university had the formula for preventing this, I'm sure that all schools would be trying to use it. Yet, here is another tragedy that pains Everett's family, his friends, the communities that he was involved in, and parents like you and me. I believe that many parents believe that it is a college's job to police the students, yet how do you police a person all the time and protect them from everything in the world? We can't. What we can do is raise our children to be wonderful people like Everett who obviously filled his life making many life-affirming decisions. We must also be grateful for the time we have with them on this Earth. Having lost a family member myself to a sudden tragedy, I realize that we are not entitled to our children's lives, we are blessed by them. My heart goes out to Everett's family and many friends.